Our Endeavours to Disadvantaged Groups
We seek to improve the lives of the disadvantaged and vulnerable in Singapore through a meaningful and holistic approach which includes grants, volunteer work and outreach programmes.
Some of the beneficiaries we have supported include Children’s Cancer Foundation, Red Cross Home for the Disabled, Singapore Red Cross, The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund and TOUCH Young Arrows.

Through our annual charity golf events, we have also raised funds in support of partners under our Ageing RigHT project e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease Association and Singapore Road Safety Council.
In September 2019, the Foundation was conferred the prestigious Friend of Singapore Red Cross Award in recognition of its contributions towards Singapore Red Cross.
Disadvantaged Groups Programmes and Initiatives
Ageing RigHT
“As You Are, Now” eldercare guidebook
The “As You Are, Now” eldercare guidebook is for the elderly
and their caregivers and was officially launched by the Prime
Minister on 11 August 2018.
The guidebook is written by a team of dedicated professionals and published especially for the elderly and their caregivers. Through the publication of the guidebook, the Foundation together with various supporting partners such as Ministry of Social and Family Development, People’s Association, PAP Community Foundation, Singapore Red Cross Society, SMU Pro Bono Centre and Alzheimer’s Disease Association seek to educate the elderly and their caregivers on issues they need to be aware of. Topics such as protection against physical, emotional and financial abuse, lasting powers of attorney, advance medical directives, basic first aid, dementia, home safety and road safety issues have been carefully chosen and written to address the challenges that ageing can, and
will, bring.

Photo credit: Singapore Red Cross Society